What are the Perks offered by ShipmentsFree.com?

ShipmentsFree.com is a membership that provides rebates on Shipping and Return Shipping costs, along with rebates on grocery delivery, rideshare, scooter rental, and moving truck rental.

ShipmentsFree.com benefits explained:

  1. Shipping Rebate: Members can claim up to $100 monthly on Shipping or Return Shipping fees applied from any online store.
  2. Grocery Delivery Rebate: Members can claim up to $12 monthly on online grocery purchases and claim the grocery delivery or service fee if applied to their online grocery purchase.
  3. Rideshare Rebate: Members can claim up to $10 monthly for using a rideshare service.
  4. Scooter Rental Rebate: Members can claim $5 monthly on scooter rental.
  5. Moving Truck Rental Rebate: Members can claim up to $50 on Moving Truck Rental charges once a year.
  6. Signup Bonus: Members get a signup bonus or first-order rebate for trying ShipmentsFree.com.

This means that members save more than $100 monthly when fully utilizing the ShipmentsFree.com benefits.

Note: The approval of the rebates is subject to the terms mentioned on our website.